STUDY 研究與創作

研究著作 A Healthy Perspective of Time in the Book of Ecclesiastes

2022-06-13 / 文:Paul Tseng

A Healthy Perspective of Time in the Book of Ecclesiastes

Paul (Kuei-chi) Tseng, Ph.D.
National Kaohsiung Normal University Assistant professor at Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taipei University of Technology and Open University, New Taipei City, Taiwan


In the times of the Covid-19 pandemic, a healthy perception of time does our spiritual and mental health good. Compared to the postmodern temporality, especially Nietzsches philosophy, this paper ushers in a soundly healthy perspective of time portrayed in the book of Ecclesiastes. Time is one of the major themes in the book of Ecclesiastes. I intend to explore several aspects of time in this book, that is, wisdom, vanity, repetition, process, and determinism. The preacher Qoheletinitially looks for the wisdom of life, and eventually, via a deep reflection of time, he concludes that wisdom in time is to turn to God for redemption in this troubled world.
