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研究著作 The Literary Mind of “Being”: Healing Power in The Prelude

2023-01-03 / 文:Paul Tseng

The Literary Mind of “Being”: Healing Power in The Prelude

Paul Tseng (Tseng Kuei-Chi), Ph.D.
Assist. Prof., Taipei University of Technology, Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Open University, TAIWAN


Book Fourteenth of The Prelude by William Wordsworth serves as a religious conclusion that signifies that a spiritual communion with God, infinite and transcendental and magnificently expressed by Nature, can heal and restore man’s mind in his crises of life. God’s being is a supreme Dasein, which in terms of essence is the Word/Logos, and which embraces the feature of “de-severance”, that is, eternity. And as a creator, God’s being-in-the-world is essentially caring. This article aims to employ hermeneutics to explicate the religious significance of Book Fourteenth, pointing out that Being housed in Logos is actually the healing power in life crises. I apply hermeneutics to explicate the theological significance of Book Fourteenth.
